




发布时间:2020-04-22 15:46

欧洲化学工业理事会总干事Marco Mensink

    It is my great pleasure and honor to share with our Chinese colleagues a vision of how the chemical industry could play a pivotal role, not only in Europe but globally, in successfully and sustainably addressing the many challenges our world is facing. China has become an important driving force in our world, and we all have a common responsibility in building a brighter future for us and our children.


    As the broadest independent study ever conducted by Cefic – the voice of the European chemical industry – this vision of Europe and its chemical industry offers a view on current and future societal challenges and how the chemical industry can shape our world in 2050.


    Scarcity of natural resources, climate change, the rapid shifts in politics and geopolitics, and technological advancements that are transforming our lives and our business models, are just some challenges we and our children will need to tackle in our lifetimes.


    Following a year-long analysis of authoritative research, along with expert input from around the world, this Mid-Century Vision offers many plausible facets of our future. In constant dialogue with our key stakeholders, we explore the role of science, technology, trade and policy, towards a successful and sustainable Europe in the years to come.


    We believe that the European chemical industry can flourish as we help Europe go climate carbon-neutral, reduce plastic waste, move toward a circular economy and address legitimate public concerns about health and chemical safety. We will become more competitive!


    During my visits to China over the past years, I have become very much aware of how the direction of the chemical industry in China also has shifted. The topics of safety, environmental protection, Responsible Care and sustainability have moved to the forefront of all major discussions – and we in Europe applaud and strongly support this development.  Indeed, I believe that the topics and scenarios covered in this Mid-Century Vision also apply very much to China and the rest of the world.


    For the past years, Cefic has been cooperating closely with our partners at CPCIF to exchange best practices, share ideas, and together contemplate a better future for our planet. This is also thanks to the visionary leadership of Chairman Li Shousheng, under which CPCIF has been focusing its efforts on ensuring that the chemical industry in China will contribute to a better, healthier and more sustainable society.  

     在过去的几年里,欧洲化学工业理事会(Cefic)与中国石油和化学工业联合会(CPCIF)一直保持着密切的合作,彼此分享经验,交流理念,为呵护人类共同的家园勤耕不辍。这一切也要感谢我非常尊敬的李寿生会长。在他极具前瞻性的带领下,中国石油和化学工业联合会(CPCIF) 孜孜不倦地推动中国石化行业的产业创新和高质量发展,为建设一个山清水秀、安全健康、可持续发展的社会做出了突出贡献。

    The chemical industries in Europe and China share many common challenges, but also many common opportunities. It is up to us to tackle these proactively and with courage. I hope that this Mid-Century Vision will help to trigger even more constructive dialogue, ideas and cooperation between Europe and China – for a better world!








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